Collection: "Waking up in the Woods" Collection

Growing up in the Alberta foothills meant that as a child I did not have to go camping to wake up in the woods. Instead, I had day adventures of swimming in the old cow dugout, building forts in the woods and picking swamp-flowers in the muskeg. Nights were spent checking cows in the light of the midnight moon.

Many of my most-cherished memories are of fall walks, helping my father fence and spending hours and hours in the fields. My youth took place on a tractor and learning how to take care of the farm and the land. I still love the aroma of swampy muskeg, the fields thawing out in the spring and fresh cut crops in the fall.  This collection is a way to re-live those days of waking up in the woods.

For "Sold out" originals, please use the Contact page to inquire about prints, giclées or a commission with a similar look and feel for your art collection.

NOTE: Whiskey Jack Gallery is a registered supplier of the Government of Alberta for honorary gifts and awards.